Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Review: "Martyrs"(2008)- written January 25, 2011

Watching martyrs, I was enjoying it....for the first forty minutes(or so). I was enjoying essentially every bit of it, until they made a 90 degree turn and made it into something weird and crazy. When I say weird and crazy I suppose I really am saying I thought it was just stupid, unimportant, and had no interesting purpose. Before the end after the turn, interest started to slope downwards and I wondered how it could turn into a good movie. It failed to do so by adding a supernatural element and meaning to the film. The end made the whole movie a waste, not because there is somoething supernatural but because it was ALL about a selfish and awful motive to know something of that sort. The movie says they Make martyrs, but they torture people against their will for their own belief, which does stick to a definition but it's not something worth watching. The movie is awful because its unnesessary sadism has no interesting reason to it at all. Now the previous sentance could be said about many horror movies and has been said, but to someone who get's the point of horror movies, it applies to me.

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