Saturday, March 19, 2011

Review: "Temple Grandin"(2010) - written March 19, 2011

Now this movie is one Everyone should see. It deals with an issue that touches me personally and many many others, so it is important that I review this movie. The subject is Autism, but the movie is not about that. The movie is about a woman named Temple Grandin who has autism. It follows her life, her troubles, her revelations, and her effect on the world today. "Temple Grandin" is a true story. This movie NEEDS to be seen, and people Need to know how to treat people with autism, and their unusual actions properly. Watch this movie even if you don't know somebody with autism. The movie Really shows how autistic people sometime think, and how they are treated meanly with ignorance. A lesson to take is that EVERYONE should listen to what an autistic person has to say, because it could be for the better. Case in point, Temple Grandin. Claire Danes MUST HAVE WON AN OSCAR FOR HER PERFORMANCE. I don`t want to spend time writing about the plot because the movie is good enough that it doesn`t need a plot in a recommendation. Though if a brief synopsis is needed, here is the one I heard- It`s about the woman who invented the humane slaughter houses for cattle. Definitely one of the best movies of all time, "Temple Grandin" is better than "Rain Man" and "Forest Gump".

Two movies about autism that I would recommend, "Snow Cake" and "Mozart and the Whale".

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