Friday, October 15, 2010

Review: "Grace"(2009)-written October 15, 2010

The trailer for "Grace" makes the movie look better than it actually is. It tries to get to the point where the baby is born too quick and the movie has a dull tone to it, both make for not caring about the characters. "Grace" also takes too long in getting to the point made in the trailer, the fact that Grace needs blood. The movie Never turns into something where the mother has to kill lots of people off to feed her baby, though the trailer and ending may insinuate that. There is a side story which eventually merges with the main one but it was just as dull. However the very last scene does something unexpected. Other words to describe the last shot would be: yikes, whoa, and 'INTERESTING'. Overall, not a good movie but just an okay bad movie. Very bland throughout and is basically made of nothing.

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